Saturday, February 02, 2008

A non-post post

Does posting about not posting really count? Because this is my post about my lack of posts. I'm just writing to excuse my absence. To be honest I hardly knit at all through most of December and the beginning of January. And with Ravelry, my other blog, Facebook, Myspace, Gmail and blog reading going on I hardly had much "online-time" to post anyways. And don't get me started on my new friend BitTorrent and it's stash of Battle Star Galactica episodes (my heart goes pitter-pat)!

So I haven't posted. But I will...or I might... I've been knitting more recently anyhow and should have some things to share with you...if you're still out there...if you ever existed at all.

Well, Happy February anyways!

(Today would be my Grandpa's birthday if you still had birthdays after you go use a hammer or a tool, or go fix something in his honor, would you?)

Visit my Non-Knitting blog here

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

My thoughts and my prayers

I've known Mara since we were young teens, or possibly earlier. Then, in college we were roomates for a year...well, a year cut short by her getting married. During our time together I got to know her and got to know her amazing family through her love for them. I spent some time with her and her mother through that year and saw one of the strongest similarities between mother and daughter that I have ever witnessed. And their relationship was not like any I've ever known. They are both strong, independent women with headstrong ideas and ideals.

Mara's mother, Stephanie, has a blog that I've been reading for several years. During the past few they have chronicled her knitting projects, her family gatherings, the birth and love affair she's had with her grandson Liam, and her struggle with pancreatic cancer.

Stephanie is now fading. Her family is with her, she is still lucid, and she is still knitting, but the time is short. I am honored to have known her and been able to follow along through her blog and those of her family members as they have taken this journey.

If you are of the praying sort, please keep the Dornbrook family in your prayers. They are an amazing, warm and loving family and deserve all the courage and comfort possible during this time.